More Influencers Coming Forward: Kamala Harris Offering $1,500 PER Anti-Trump POST

6 months ago

More Influencers Coming Forward, Kamala Harris Offering $1,500 PER POST


The DO’s and DONT’s broken down:

The DO:

• Present the election as a choice between Harris and Trump: Either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump will be President next year, and the choice between Harris and Trump matters for voters lives.

• Show who the candidates are fighting for. Trump is a narcissist who puts himself and billionaires first, while Kamala is looking out for everyday Americans.

• ex. Trump will help billionaires, drug companies, oil companies
• ex. Kamala stood up to drug companies to lower insulin costs to $35. She's fighting for everyday Americans.

• Meet voters where they are: You may not love everything about either candidate or stand by every position, but Kamala Harris is the better choice. Either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris will be President next
year, and your vote determines who's in power.

The DONT’s

• Show any form of support for Donald Trump and his allies.
• Gloat about Harris and her allies.
• Attack Trump supporters for their intellect or personal values.
• Show "funny" Trump videos or moments without providing context.
• Highlight the negatives without providing context on a solution

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