Day 20 Breakfast Smoothie Challenge: Watch Out!The Ruler of This World Controls Health Healing World

4 months ago

Day 20 Breakfast Smoothie Challenge: Watch Out! The Ruler of This World Controls The Health Healing World

everything being pushed, is for an agenda.

Google the standard America diet statistics for diseases...

Most people we have met the last several years have reached 60-65 and got #cancer

We thought we were pushing ourselves to work hard to get to 60-65 to travel and live!?

Chemo Treatments. endless doctors visits. being told to put a 2nd mortgage on your home to afford treatments, isn't traveling or living, is it?

unlearn the world doctrine

relearn the Truth

BI●AVAILABLE PR●TEIN is in our sm●●thie...

Smoothie Recipe:
1.5 grams of pro-tein per medium banana

*x2=3grams of pr●tein

1.2 grams per orange

2-4 grams of pr●tein, 1 cup of Fresh herbs

1tbsp of organic spirulina, 4 grams of pr●tein

1 tbsp of turmeric powder = .5 grams of pr●tein

1tbsp of ginger 🫚 =.5 grams of pr●tein


1 cup of kale, 3 grams of pr●tein

1 cup of wild blueberries, 1 gram of pr●tein X 2 = 2 grams of pr●tein

total🔥🔥18.7 grams of BIOAVAILABLE pr●tein

Still need more pr●tein? Add more spinach or kale...add another 🍌

(Feel free to use the fruit you're drawn to!! You do not need to use 🍌🍊)

Snack on some...raw sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, or cashews

🍞 Make Unleavened bread with nut 🥜 🧈 spread, guac, or hummus

Remove stressors in the morning off the #gut and #liver, and get better!

“Yahuah hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them.” Ecclesiasticus 38:4

“…and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.”

‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭47:12‬

"In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." Rev. 22:2

🎶🎶🎶Healing is easy when you place it into The Almighty’s Hands🙌🏽🥰🔥

Why live any longer with a symptom or illness?

🌿🥔🍉🥭🍌🍄Vegetables- anything sown from a seed

All praise and esteem to The Most High!


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