⚠️It is not only 3.8 billions that the US donate to Israel every year. It is around 3 trillion

5 months ago

It is not only 3.8 billions that the #US donate to #Israel every year. It is around 3 #trillion when we add up all the giveaways through various benefits, preferentials, #contracts about "#cooperation between two countries". Israel is a parasite state.

Every single #American should know this..🇺🇸

13 years ago the #President of the Council for National Interest Foundation sounded the alarm on the influence of #AIPAC over #U.S #Politicians and the money America was sending to Israel

When will enough people care?
If the current situation of
-#War Crimes
-Disregard for International Law
-The Geneva Conventions
Does not generate concern

13 years ago-millions of people were not protesting US dollars funding a visible, clearly #documented operation of ethnic cleansing.
We have millions that SEE and SAY STOP
Yet it continues
When people finally care enough about their voices being heard to stop the suffering of others
It will probably be too late to save anyone
Including ourselves
People must take back their #voices for themselves and #humanity
Elect @DrJillStein @ButchWare

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