119 seconds of “Achieve The Ultimate Bond In Christ Jesus” excerpt of TTM126

6 months ago

<2-minute VideoShort about what God does when a person becomes ultimately passionate for the ultimate bond with Him in Christ Jesus.

Full Description: Passionate to spend our Life with God in Christ Jesus, to achieve the ultimate bond with Him, to develop the ability to see through God’s Eyes as we press Toward The Mark for the prize … Philippians 3:13-14.

🎶 Now playing..."Send In The Frogmen" excerpt 🎶
🙏 “What to do to achieve the ultimate bond with God in Christ Jesus, especially when you have never heard God’s Voice or seen through His eyes.” ✨
Answering the #1 question people ask, "How does God see me, and others?"

HEAR full original SEND IN THE FROGMEN Episode at https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/20130143 on TTM’s Libsyn channel.

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#TowardTheMark #ForThePrize #VideoShort #TheUltimateBondWithGod #SendInTheFrogmen

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