Crew Of The Margaret O’Leary Retrieves Lost Anchor Off Pigeon Rip

5 months ago

August 23, 2024 Michael and I were underway from Goldsmiths Marina in Southold at 12:15pm, destination Pigeon Rip, which is located 1.6 nautical miles north of Plum Island. We were on a quest to retrieve my anchor that I lost the previous day while fishing with a friend. Unable to retrieve it due to heavy current, I decided to tie a boat fender off to it, in the hopes of retrieving it during slack tide. That slack tide lasted approximately nine minutes. Michael and I fished the area, and as 2:04 pm approached we kept an eye out in the hopes that the boat fender would float to the surface, which it did. We had a short window, nine minutes, to find and retrieve the anchor. Mission accomplished! As an added bonus, upon retrieving we found two complete Seabass rigs fishermen had lost due to snagging on the anchor line. By 5:45pm we were tying the Margaret O’Leary up in her slip. Also in attendance was Gunner and Grady, “Southold’s Best Looking Dogs.” Hope you enjoyed the video, thanks for watching.

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