The Coco… Its a No No… Part 2 [People's Populist Press]

6 months ago

This stream is part of a series about the 'Boxed Wine Incident'

PPP's response to the "Boxed Wine Incident" where Warski was strongly suspected of taking cocaine on the stream. Suspecting Warski has relapsed, PPP rightfully gets incredibly angry and worried at them not only jeopardizing themselves, and I fully believe PPP considered Warski to be a friend at this point, but also jeopardizing the whole show.
Warski claimed they didn't take cocaine, but were leaning down to pour themselves a drink of boxed wine. Honestly both are just as awful. During this period the show was unbearable because Warski would get beyond drunk half way through and it was just not enjoyable to watch.

The stream gets cut off, part 2 here:

Original upload date: 21th October 2022
[The Coco… Its a No No… [gUKD3wT1oL0].mp4]

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