once you know the how n why about yourself you can deal w/ what life dealt

5 months ago

thought i'd show you the whole process of making my smoothie
don't worry that's not a real carrot
unless they start adding more shit to the food, damnit i shouldn't have said anything it will happen now
this is sophie's toy that paisley won't stop fucking w/
if you don't wanna know bye bye
spinach + more greens
there are lights i could turn on
banana + turmeric + ginger
i don't ever mean to talk in a condescending tone
sarcasm is my least fave type of humor
sarcasm is cheap n easy n belittling
yawl know our feelings on narcissists
apparently you can press the skin really hard n it will just pop off on its' own
i get very put off whenever people mention _______
i saw myself a long ass time ago
you dunno me n you definitely didn't know what i used to be like before
my parents would definitely attest to that
a lotta people on the internet act like yer parents
if you're a woman you probably have wholesome intentions
men tend to want sex, i mean...
i think i spoke about this earlier today
it's not constructive criticism, it's unsolicited advice
i love leo, don't you?
adding cinnamon + flax seed + almonds
*i didn't have any mint
substances or belief system or sex life
i tend to say things wrong
this ain't a rescue channel unless we're talking about america
too crazy to be believed i know
always gotta cover up my tits
nobody that says that has ever seen me in a relationship hahahahaha, talk to literally any of my ex boyfriends n they will fill you in
if you've never seen me drink then you have no idea how i did it or how bad it was
plz tell me who i am internet I HAVE NO IDEA, I NEED YER VALIDATION SO BAD
boundary crossers will piss me off
drugs, bitch DRUGS (relax it's just kratom)
you like that avalanche of cutlery behind me
best thing i coulda possibly done was look at the gritty parts of myself
almond butter is way too sticky
seemingly defensive cos i've seen myself crawl outta my skin anytime i have to spend too much time w/ anybody esp a person w/ a penis + sexpectations
now i remember what i was fixin to say...people project their own dilemmas onto you cos they wanna relate to you more,
i did it w/ disorders but people in AA are the worst about it (they think EVERYONE is an alcoholic in denial)
i hope yawl are satisfied
tmrw i will add either coconut water or almond milk, i will decide in the morning
don't give a fuck that fair life got recalled, not gonna listen to the "news" it's all bullshit, nothing that they say matters
i can understand why they're always on their phones cos that's where everything is
my FOMO is not the same as yours i guess
let's play a quiet tune (this is actually one of the louder ones hahaha, see next video)
when do people not change their mind
everyone is a woman now thank you internet
so much i've learned from the internet
mindlessly n piss poorly entertained
so used to sinking in that boat they dunno that's what they're doin
my eye is so fucked up holy shit
so many nails on so many heads they must be decapitated by now
you won't settle me down or excite me
i'm tellin you what's gonna happen...boredom
i seem seemingly, that's hilarious
you gotta lemme have this cos i'm a comedian
i'll use their saliva as facewash
maybe you're right tho
you dunno the waters i'm swimming in
if it makes me more positive then it's a good thing, can't spell good w/out God
i'd be absolutely nothin w/out God
i must be apologizing to myself here
this person's username was quite complicated
i wrote this joke specifically about that but never did it on stage
society's drunk is ag sober
why pay a therapist when people are free not to mention God
happiness is different for everyone
if you were actually happy you wouldn't try to ruin everyone else's fun
you already ARE lost tho

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