i force myself to socialize cos i don't wanna be voluntarily autistic

6 months ago

we forgot the keyboard but it's okay we got the allman bros
i thoroughly enjoy playing music
i was never gonna quit my day job dumb fuck
if i do anything w/ it it would have to be random n on the spot
i couldn't take standardized tests very well so...
it always sounds like some kinda excuse
you might be able to control the less emotionally intelligent *i'm not the one
i don't feel superior all cos i'm more in touch w/ the spirit realm which i know sounds witchy as fuck
rome screwed it all up, christianity is from the east
i don't wanna get into a damn argument
ain't nobody gonna join team anti-smartphone
i woulda said team luddite but nobody knows what that is
i can bitch about sumin that i have to see every day
the only non-crackhead in a world of...
i am super resistant towards any efforts to control me
it's mainly about turning everyone's brain into swiss cheese
he never showed up
i actually washed my hats last night so...
i thank God anyway even tho more than likely He didn't have shit to do w/ that
no guilt about it, just a thing
if it's my channel then i can say/do whatever the fuck i want
YOU should come up with a channel!
put out THOUSANDS of videos that aren't even monetized all to get shat on by shithead mass consumers
i see myself do all these things so...
that was marisa
me not having a smartphone IS effective
i'm not perfect...self-righteousness incoming
very few consistently making art
i also work full time
brittany is attempting to out-meow me, fuck that bitch

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