i will give em 5 sec to think about it...ag's priceless pauses on stage

1 month ago

this is just the best
you like that shot of Holy water over the allman bros
did you notice that i finally switched cds
that blue n brown looks so rad
i'm meowing it wrong
he was probably talkin bout the drugs that everybody was on
i promise that wasn't a liquor bottle back there
analyzing the song revival
marty balin would be attacked tho
everything is a distraction from sumin else
drug addicts can still make good music tho (only if they apply themselves)
what's the name of my yt channel
a lotta people in america dunno about the orthodoxy
stop getting intellectual about religion
intellectuals aren't fun to be around
when is there not corruption involving anything organized
i get sumin out of it, that's why i do it
i have felt the shame of my past big time
forgiveness is very difficult esp when you hate yourself
if the general msg is sumin i can get down w/ then we gon' party
when are the people that control shit not trying to exploit the public
it means a lot to me, that's all
fuck yeah midnight rider
shaming other people for not being in the same headspace as you
doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of God creating us all in His image
perhaps i am wrong about this but it feels right
you're not supposed to explain it logically
aren't we all telling ourselves a story
i see it as semantics in a way
the present moment is the closest that we are to God
if it feels good do it (Divine Liturgy)
is it the Holy Spirit?
everyone wants to complain about everything all the time n it's not funny
i really hate comedy but that's also cos i love it
i will not engage!
it's so performative whether it's edgy or sexual or pc
these people that are having me on their podcast are real sweet, free liquor n drugs that's all that needs to be said
added pressure to put on a performance everywhere you go
i am personally against twitter on principle
the risk of doing standup is diminished if you know it's gonna work
it's the first n probably last time
but they don't tweak it tho
my measuring stick just involves leaving the damn house

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