Steve Kirsch about turbo cancers

6 months ago

"When I talked to doctors directly and asked why their patients are dying and how do they know it's the vaccine, they'll talk about turbo cancers. They'll talk about people who are scanned, they don't have any health conditions at all, no cancers, no sign of anything and then 2 months later they're in stage 4 cancer. This is what's referred to as turbo cancer because it's not there before the shots and then within months essentially turns into stage 4 and they presents to the doctor with stage 4 cancer.
So it's the turbo cancers and it's the cardiac issues that when I ask people how do they know that somebody dies they're usually talking about some sort of cardiac issues, ischemic stroke or these turbo cancers that are killing people.
And sometimes in fact, the doctor that I talked to last night said: I had one patient who had both a turbo cancer and had a cardiac arrest. So these are 2 super unlikely events to be had in someone who's young and healthy. And he said that this person had like 2 of these conditions when it would be extremely rare to find someone with just one of the conditions.
And so that's giving you an idea of just how devastating these shots have been."

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