Unlocking Women's Health with Ayurvedic Principles - Harmony Robinson Stagg

6 months ago

Today I chat with Harmony Robinson-Stagg: a Registered Nurse, Ayurveda practitioner, women's health practitioner, and currently studying for her masters in acupuncture

With Her company “Harmony Inspired Health” she helps people unlock the secrets to optimal health, hormonal bliss, and business success through combining evidence based medicine and ayurveda

Some topics we cover:

What is Ayurveda?

Why did she get into Ayurveda?

How does ayurveda work as a philosophy in conjunction with western medicine?

Has modern medicine been detrimental by way of removing natural consequences of poor health habits?

An exploration of natural birthing practices vs medical intervention

What is the state of the average woman's health in Australia?

The biggest problems women face impacting their health in todays culture

Is it possible for women to have it all? To be a go getter entrepreneur and also a family woman, and also be hormonally healthy?

How can an ayurvedic perspective help women navigate all of the demands of the modern world?

The importance of understanding your menstrual cycle as a woman

Her thoughts on breathwork

Glossary Of Ayurvedic Terms:

Ayurveda - Science of life & longevity

Buddhi Mind (Discerning Intellect): The Buddhi mind, our discerning intellect, helps us make wise decisions and discern between right and wrong.

Chitta Mind (Subconscious Mind): The Chitta mind, our subconscious, stores memories, beliefs, and past experiences.

Manas (Sensory Mind): Manas, the sensory mind, processes sensory information and perceptions from the external world.

Vijnana (Intuitive Mind): Vijnana, the intuitive mind, provides insight and wisdom beyond rational understanding.

Ahamkara (Ego Mind): Ahamkara, the ego mind, creates a sense of individual identity and separation from others.

Samskaras (Impressions/Imprints): Samskaras are the impressions or imprints left on the mind by past experiences and actions.

Connect With Harmony:


Enjoy the show.

For entertainment purposes only.
Nothing said in this podcast is intended to be taken as medical advice. When necessary, consult with an appropriate health professional regarding important health matters.
Your health is your responsibility.
Any action taken based on the thoughts and opinions voiced in this show is done at your own risk.

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Email ZakariyaFrankshow@gmail.com


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