Tim Walz Confronted About His Misleading ‘Serving in War’ Statements

4 months ago

Tim Walz's Serving in War Claim Crumbles as CNN Confronts Him on His Misleading Statement

DANA BASH: "Governor Walsh, the country is just starting to get to know you. I want to ask you a question about how you've described your service in the National Guard. You said that you carried weapons in war, but you have never deployed, actually in a war zone. A campaign official said that you misspoke. Did you?"

TIM WALZ (Dodging question): "My record has been out there for over 40 years to speak for itself."

DANA BASH: "And the idea that you said that you were in war, did you misspeak, as the campaign has said?"

TIM WALZ: "Yeah, I said we were talking about. In this case, this was after a school shooting. The idea is of carrying these weapons of war. And my wife, the English, you should tell me my grammar is not always correct.”

In a 2018 video clip, Walz said: "We can make sure that those weapons of war, THAT I CARRED IN WAR, is the only place where those weapons are at."

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