Suburbanator91 Records A Weather Storm – 08/25/2024

5 months ago

Yeah, thought I’d try something different. This is a Suburbanator91 first for sure. I like the many different storm & weather videos out there, so, I thought, why not make one myself? So, I did! Worth noting as well that this video is a first for two other things: The first one being that this is the first video where I finally downloaded the Cannon software to be able to play the longer recordings. The second one being, that this is the first video I finally edited with the Adobe Premiere Pro video editing software, & phasing out the Power-Director that I’ve been using; I am far from getting the hang of it, BUT, I least got the basic principles down so I can start uploading videos again. Skip to 13:30 for the loudest thunderclap of the whole video.

To see this video on my YouTube channel:

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