Video Reminds Us What Kamala Harris Thinks Of The Constitution And YOUR Gun Rights

6 months ago

Posted • August 29, 2024: Kamala Harris is on record as being anti-Second Amendment and very much in favor of not only bans on 'assault weapons' but straight up gun confiscation. So thanks to this video, we can remember what Kamala said and did in 2020 when it concerns our Second Amendment rights:

ABC: Joe Biden says there’s no constitutional authority to ban assault weapons via executive order. Do you agree?

Kamala: “Instead of saying no we can't, let’s say yes we can!”

Biden: “Lets be constitutional. We’ve got a Constitution."

Kamala: *laughs*

She. Laughs. She laughs at the notion that the Constitution protects us from wannabe tyrants like her. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Video Reminds Us What Kamala Harris Thinks of the Constitution and YOUR Gun Rights
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