A VSO Official and Certified Physician Assistant

3 months ago

Meet Ashley Gagnon, a nationally certified physician assistant, U.S. Navy veteran, and compensation and pension examiner, and Sean Biddle, a nationally accredited Veterans Service Officer and retired U.S. Air Force combat veteran.

Get access to past and bonus content with exclusive guest. Please help support the podcast and veterans so we can keep making the show - patreon.com/GulfWarSideEffects

Life Wave Patches: https://lifewave.com/kevinsimon/store/products
*Here is my recommendations on what patches to get and what has helped me.
Ice Wave - this helps with my neuropathy.
x39 - this helps me with brain fog and my shakes
x49 - helps with bone strength
Gludifion - helps get rid of toxins

Merch: https://gulfwar-side-effects.myspreadshop.com/

Contact me with your questions, comments, or concerns at kevinsimon@gulfwarsideeffects.com

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