Covid Origin: Is there an intimate relationship between Fauci and Wang Yanyi, director of Wuhan Lab

1 month ago

3/10/2023 Miles Guo: Is there an intimate relationship between Fauci and Wang Yanyi? Follow the sextual and financial relationship between Fauci and Wang Yanyi, then we won't be far from uncovering the origins of the CCP virus and the truth of COVID vaccine disaster
#Fauci #WangYanyi #HongbingShu #HundredTalentsProgram #ThousandTalentsProgram #WuhanVirologyLab #gainoffunctiontechnique

3/10/2023 文贵盖特:福奇和王延轶到底有没有关系?盯住福奇和王延轶的性关系、金钱关系,我们离病毒溯源和疫苗灾难的真相还远吗?
#福奇 #王延轶 #舒红兵 #百人计划 #千人计划 #武毒所 #增强实验技术

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