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6 months ago

🔐Unlocking your oxidative Power💥 with/ Methylene Blue 🔵: Cognitive Enhancement and Health Benefits with the Vitaman Mentor. This is a natural salt made by the indigo plant.

💊In this episode, Raymond J. Negron, also known as a Health Coach, Naturopathic Practioner & a self-acclaimed Vitaman Mentor due to taking vitamins since a young age,while doing my research into the industry, let's delves into the multifaceted benefits of methylene blue, a high-grade supplement offered by OnlyResultsCount.com. a name brand company that makes High Quality Methylene Blue🔵

💊Ray highlights the cognitive enhancement properties, ability to kill adult parasites, combat Candida, and its great role in battling the many types of malaria, Cadida and Alzheimer's disease/dementia.

💊Ray emphasizes the importance of supplements in your modern day nutritional eating plan-- due to soil degradation in our soil and the presence of chemicalized foods that leave us in a deficit.

💊Ray speaks about some supplements used for parasite cleansing and holistic health practices that you may or may not be familiar with today. Listen in--- 👂 to this great advice on taking your health back from allopathic medicine insdustry-- into your very own hands by taking self-care by adding these vital supplements that will help you.

00:00 Introduction to the Vita-man Mentor💊
00:12 Benefits of Methylene Blue 🔵
01:44 Methylene Blue and Parasite Cleansing🦂
02:43 Methylene Blue for Cognitive and Physical Health🔥
03:41 The Importance of Supplements🌱
04:50 Conclusion and Final Thoughts...

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