Sempiternal Fortress II

3 months ago

Most of my content comes with a detailed description as to what to expect for the current video, however, this is not necessary, this is a very important message to everyone watching this.

You have to wake up, open your eyes, repent and look around you, the elites are manipulating and have manipulated everyone into this coming event we all will be seated to participate in..

Civil War.

When the ammo prices skyrocketed, the masses purchased thousands of rounds due to the fear of not having ammo any longer.

When the government told you that they were going to ban guns, they never did but yet the masses purchased more weapons in that timeframe than ever before..

They were not taking the guns and ammo away, they were manipulating the masses to stock on up guns and ammo, for what?

For Civil War.

This video, this continuation of " Sempiternal Fortress " may not go into specific details, but it is designed only to mentally and spiritually prepare you for what is to come.

The staged events, The favorite movies, The popular songs we've heard... Was to normalize this final moment.

This is it.. very soon we will witness what we thought would never come..

Civil war, FEMA camps, One World Government, One World Religion, they already have One World Currency, why would they stop there?

All of this, comes into play with this upcoming event.

Order out of chaos.


God bless you all!

* Whatever happens here, do not lose faith, but rather fix your eyes and hope on Jesus Christ of Nazareth, He is the only way... The only way *

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