'Member That Whole FBI/Election Interference Conspiracy Theory? Welp, Zuckerberg Just Verified It

5 months ago

Posted • August 29, 2024: Remember when people who said anyone even questioning whether or not the FBI was involved in silencing millions of Americans on social media leading up to the 2020 election were immediately called traitors and even accused of treason? You member. Heck, you probably experienced it firsthand as you dare to think for yourself. For shame. (Heh) Welp, Mark Zuckerberg in all his 'infinite wisdom' has been spilling the beans. We're not sure if he's worried about what will happen to his platform now that he's been caught doing the Biden/Harris administration's bidding or what, but this ain't good. Not for the FBI. Not for the Democrats. And not for Facebook. And not for the American people.

Michael Shellenberger said it best: In his new letter, Zuckerberg goes beyond what he told Rogan. He says FBI specifically warned of disinfo re: Hunter Biden & his client, Burisma, the Ukrainian nat gas company. It's hard proof that the FBI illegally interfered in the elections. Someone should go to prison for it. We give the CIA and FBI great powers and expect they won't abuse them. But the evidence is now overwhelming that the CIA & FBI violated the Wiretap Act, spread disinformation, and interfered in the 2020 election. These crimes must be investigated and the perpetrators prosecuted. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GWF2vcpasAEBUPH?format=png&name=small -- Someone should but we're not exactly holding our breath. We haven't seen the GOP do much of anything other than investigations that go nowhere and writing sternly worded letters that also go nowhere. Democrats have suffered ZERO consequences for what they did in 2020. And neither has the FBI. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - 'Member That Whole FBI/Election Interference Conspiracy Theory? Welp, Mark Zuckerberg Just Verified It

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