The BRICS trading system is already wiping out US farmers

1 month ago

Video: The BRICS trading system is already wiping out US farmers, as global price discovery is destroyed 隨著全球價格發現被破壞,金磚國家的貿易體系已經在消滅美國農民

Millions of tons of annual agricultural trade is now being conducted outside the US dollar, and within the new BRICS framework.

This represents a tectonic shift in global finance, as the dominant trading hubs of New York, Chicago, and London are replaced by a multipolar system of bilateral trades using national currencies and non-USD-denominated pricing and contracts.

The already huge volumes of trade in ag, energy, and raw materials are destroying price discovery in global markets. Decisionmakers and executives in Western companies are unable to see markets, nor can they know what parties are driving demand, nor which suppliers are emerging to meet that demand. Our senior-level business managers and planners are flying blind, and only after realizing giant losses we learn that we are now suppliers only of last resort: the BRICS countries and their allied countries across the world are producing and trading at prices far below our cost of production.



農業、能源和原料領域本已龐大的貿易量正在破壞全球市場的價格發現能力。 西方公司的決策者和高階主管看不到市場,也不知道哪些各方在推動需求,也不知道哪些供應商正在出現以滿足該需求。 我們的高層業務經理和規劃人員盲目行動,只有在意識到巨大損失後,我們才知道我們現在只是最後的供應商:金磚國家及其世界各地的盟國正在以遠低於我們成本的價格進行生產和貿易的生產.

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