Dan & Yayoi - Two Teachers Exposing Canada's Fraud & Lies!

5 months ago

Meet the coolest, most courageous, smart and determined newlyweds who met in 2020 on the Canadian streets in pursuit of liberty, freedom and justice for all!

And they are leading a movement to expose and eliminate the FRAUDULENT Canadian "government" using their very own system designed to enslave the free people of Canada!

For anyone looking for the evidence/a written summary and expansion as to everything we've done/all events leading up to our GRAND JURY INDICTMENT on September 13th click here: https://tgpeacetreaty.com/lsa-grand-jury-summary

For anyone wanting to know more information regarding WHY a PEACE TREATY is necessary/can be used by anyone in North America, as the three PROPER mechanism of LAW for all victims to receive reparations/redress/restitution and more about the Law of War Manual click here: https://tgpeacetreaty.com

For those who are looking to dig into more information feel free to go through the "HOW TO" section of https://tngalliance.com/

Remember: the fraud starts at the birth certificate... And FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING.

Dan’s link on X: https://x.com/ForFudo?t=az6VQaNVHHU75ReaAu1wVw&s=09

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