🚫 Park #93 Closed In Ottawa 🚧 Under Construction 🚫

5 months ago

The City of Ottawa has created a classification system to define park typologies designed to meet the social, recreational and environmental needs of its residents. The Park Classification described below is intended to serve as a reference tool to guide the City of Ottawa in the development of new parks. Implementation of the Park Classification allows those responsible for parkland selection, design, construction, and maintenance of parks to best meet the needs of communities.

The location and programming of parks is determined by the City according to population and recreational service level requirements. Parks are distributed throughout a community, and across the City, to enable residents to have easily accessible parkland that satisfies a wide range of municipal recreational needs, while enhancing the public realm. All park locations shall take into consideration specific Community Design Plans , Secondary Plans, Village Plans, Area Parks Plans and site specific policies in the Official Plan for the area. Communities may benefit when parks are varied in their typologies and are distinctive in their design.

The Park Classification establishes park typologies and outlines standards related to parkland size, location, service area radius, configuration, and amenities in order to inform the selection and subsequent design of park blocks. Parklands should be of a shape and size that provide appropriate access and visibility, and offer park planners flexibility in the design of sports fields and other recreational amenities.

Six park typologies are described, reflecting the City’s parkland structure: District Park, Community Park, Neighbourhood Park, Parkette, Urban Parkette/Plaza and Woodland Park . Park typology descriptions can be found belo

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