Bodycam footage of cop who shot a dog in Davenport, Iowa for no reason

5 months ago

JUST IN: Bodycam footage released from the police officer who shot a dog in Davenport, Iowa.

The police officer could be seen putting his hand down to greet the dog before he pulled out his firearm.

The Davenport Police have responded to the incident, saying they support the officer's action to fire at the dog.

"Body-worn camera supports the officer’s statement about what happened. Based on a review of the facts, the officer’s actions were deemed lawful,” the department said.

The two-year-old dog, Myst, passed away.

The dog's owner is livid.

"The dog runs up to him, and he decides his best option is to draw his gun and k*ll our dog in front of my child, his cousin, and their mother, who were all standing nearby and could have easily been harmed as well," Don Hesseltine said. - Collin Rugg clip -
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