If I Myself am your Teacher, then Knowledge and Insight are guaranteed ❤️ Jesus thru Bertha Dudde

5 months ago

Text & Audio... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2024/08/19/wissen-erkenntnis-knowledge-insight/
Bertha Dudde Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/bertha-dudde-offenbarungen-revelations/
Channel Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2022/10/16/kanalubersicht-channel-overview/
Video Playlist Bertha Dudde... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCsKnU-ZHUOHHmDCysMU5GzO
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Personal Word from the Lord... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/my-rhema/
Source... https://bertha-dudde.info/download/index.html

If I Myself am your Teacher, then Knowledge and Insight are guaranteed

June 12, 1949 - Message 4666 from Jesus through Bertha Dudde

God as Teacher & Bearer of Truth... Anyone who submits himself to My instruction will increase his knowledge and be a suitable worker for Me in the last days before the end. For whatever knowledge he receives from Me will take root within him and never disappear from his memory.

My way of teaching is adapted to his later activity, and the frequent repetitions are therefore necessary that the knowledge becomes so firmly anchored in him that he can never lose it. It will become apparent in spiritual debates that My disciples are fully instructed and able to represent My teaching completely and convincingly.

If I Myself am their teacher, knowledge and complete understanding and insight are guaranteed. This is why you may adhere to what is offered to you by such a disciple without hesitation, as long as you are of good will and believe that I reveal Myself to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

Then it will also be simple for you to believe that I wish to convey the Gospel to humanity in its purest form, time and again, and that I choose as mediators precisely those who are receptive and willing, who are able to hear Me, and to whom I may therefore convey the purest truth.

Listen to anyone who is taught by Me and you will hear My Word in its purest form. Admittedly, I can only communicate directly to a select few, and only a few believe that I communicate directly to a person... Yet it is the time of the end when true faith in Me is only rarely found.

Just as humanity is distant from Me due to a lack of love, so does it also not believe in such an evident working of My spirit and thus of Myself, and therefore men distance themselves more and more from the pure truth and can no longer recognize it as such when it is offered to them.

For this reason, however, I continually recruit servants on earth who are willing to accept My Word and spread it, so that the truth will take hold of humanity once again, and the darkness will be broken through by the light, for humanity languishes in spiritual darkness and is heading towards ruin.

I recruit servants on earth and bless all who allow themselves to be taught by Me, whom I can train as bearers of truth, now eagerly active for Me and My kingdom, for there is not much time left, and to the few who are not against Me shall still be brought salvation in spiritual adversity by conveying the pure truth, so that they will find the path to Me, walk it, and thereby become Mine before the end... Amen

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