Bone Orchard - Fortunate Son - 2024

6 months ago

Fifth song from the upcoming album, "Flacco Loco", due out late fall/early winter 2024. This is the last cover the band learned right before its demise. Only played it twice live. Would have remained in the set for a long time if we had lasted.

I decided to take a “hippie” anthem and point it back at them (like their anthem says). Growing up (as a late baby-boomer), I loved the philosophy of "hippie” when I was younger - the philosophy of young, inspired, free-spirited, ideal-obsessed, pie-in-the-sky dreamers who made. great music (and had some cool clothes in the beginning). But when they don’t grow up and evolve, and yet gain the levers of power, as they have now, well, ya get the mess we have today….

Hippies are fun to hang around, but they don’t belong in charge, especially when they’re not so free thinking any longer. Just sayin'....

All instruments and vocals courtesy of M. Corcoran (the “last man standing”).

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