Relatives of prisoners of war gathered near the Kyiv office of the International

1 month ago

Relatives of prisoners of war gathered near the Kyiv office of the International Committee of the Red Cross to demand an explanation as to why the families have no information about the military

The Media Initiative for Human Rights explains that the ICRC is the only one with a mandate to visit places where prisoners of war are held. But they can do so only with the permission of the prison, detention center or colony administration, which the Russians do not give.

"What happened today near the walls of the Kyiv office of the International Committee of the Red Cross is a verdict on the entire system of international law and international organizations. The desperate relatives of the prisoners, who are almost ready to self-immolate because their relatives have been tortured and killed for years, are actually storming the ICRC. And this is just the beginning," says human rights activist Olga Reshetylova.

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