How To Add #Squats To Your #dumbbellworkout With Dualbell #dumbbell to Bar Adapters

6 months ago

Add all kinds of #Squats to your #dumbbellworkout with Dualbell #dumbbell to bar adapters explains #personaltrainer @gennaroferra #homegymequipment
In the latest Dualbell Personal Trainer Trial, I met up with #nycpersonaltrainer Gennaro Ferra on the streets of NYC's #meatpackingdistrict .
For a #,legday simulation, Gennaro demonstrated several squat variations for a full #squatworkout. He talks about proper form and how to address some injuries through modifications.
Get smart with your dumbbells!
Available at Use code FERRAFIT and save 10% plus get free shipping in the USA

Dualbell Info:
Each Dualbell Holds up to a 100lb #dumbbell
Dualbell is compatible with most traditional and #adjustabledumbbells . See specs.
Dualbell works with any 1", 25mm, standard diameter bars and collars. 5', 6', 7', #ezcurl
Rotates smoothly on the bar to stay under during exercise. As shown in video.
#madeintheusa. Free shipping in the USA. Discount international shipping.
#barbellworkout #dumbbellworkoutathome #dumbbellexercises #homegymlife #homegyms #homegymequipment #homegymsetup

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