T.O.W. #16 " Burn It, Got Em'. Re-Tune Your SpinnerBait "

5 months ago

In This technique of the Week, we head out on the rip rap bank from shore ; & tangle with one of our #smallmouth friends that was up there gorging on flickering shad I noticed the day prior. One way I love catching em when this occurs is by burning a War Eagle spinnerbait an inch under the surface with double willow leaf blades. I prefer to use a Zoom original fluke trailer as well and get those fork tails flicking on the retrieve .Chartruese and White skirt works even in high visibility waters( drawing power ) and this technique is boat / bank friendly. I prefer a slow reel with some torque ,but a long medium heavy rod (7' 1" ) to stay off easily spooked smallies. They come unGLUED every year and DRILL this thing. That is why I also include how to retune your spinnerbait.

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