for those of us weirdos, it's either art or suicide

1 month ago

God is always lookin, it's always His business
so many believers must think that God is comatose
who ain't on xanax
over analysis kinda drags me down but it's sorta my life
how could anyone living right now say that they value sanity anyway
how terrible yer life must be if this is how you conduct yourself daily
everything is a reflection of yer state of mind
everything is connected so...
there's nothin for me to say to these people
don't think that your conscience is a problem
do the opposite of what you find objectionable
if everything i see is misery then i will do whatever i can to be happy
i started my life at thirty
i tend to have the opposite experience
ag is up-trodden
every time i see this i think it's a mason lodge
well that was totally irrelevant but...
you ain't happy cos you keep going along w/ the world
understand yourself n live yer life to the best of yer ability, that's it
the expectations are different now so it's kinda useless to bother about what the world wants from us
kill yourself one time n people get mad, get yourself repeatedly thru yer habits n nobody cares

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