Just for the Jews? Or Me Too... (Healing is God's Will 8)

27 days ago

Many Christians are hindered from receiving the Biblical promises of Healing (among other things) because of an unbiblical doctrine that makes the benefits of following God exclusive to the Jewish people. I simply call it "Just for the Jews Theology". But theology is not Bible, it is what men have to say about what the Bible actually says. Which is not the same thing. The truth is, ALL the promises of God – including physical healing – are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus. Don't ever let somebody convince you otherwise . .

Word Resources –

Ministry home site : https://www.muchgrace.church/
Full Sermon Library : https://rumble.com/c/c-1324501
Prophet's book : https://www.tribulation-saints.com/
Pastor's book : https://simplicityofchrist314608717.wordpress.com/

Social media –

Gab : https://gab.com/SpiritRaise
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61561161392086
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/whatgodissaying/

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