Sea Buckthorn Use Against Viruses Benefit Eating Fresh Leaves And Berries

5 months ago

Sea Buckthorn Powerful Against Viruses

The Chinese Olympic team used sea buckthorn as their official drink in the 2008 Beijing Olympics to boost their strength, endurance and overall health, with great success!
Sea buckthorn had a surge of interest from the Russian Government (and military) from the mid-1900s and was used by Russian cosmonauts on the first manned space mission due to its powerful antioxidant qualities.
The Indian army has also used sea buckthorn to fuel high-altitude operations

the science on the plant Antibacterial and antiviral effects and a lot more

COVID-19: Scientists seek GoI funding to develop seabuckthorn immunity booster
Presently, over 55 countries are involved in scientific research and commercial utilization of seabuckthorn.

sea buckthorn tea bags to boost immunity and herbal sanitation wipes are among the items in a COVID-19

A Super Tea Too
If the berries weren’t super enough, seabuckthorn leaves also contain significant medicinal properties. A recent study by Agri Food Research in Health in Manitoba found that seabuckthorn leaves were loaded with polyphenols in levels far in excess of that found in green tea leaves:

Seabuckthorn History Video eng

Seabuckthorn History Video Russian can be understood

Plant Used In Video Sea buckthorn Garden's Gift

The autumn sand thorn
Growth / height: strongly branched, bushy, 3 m high, thorns in the upper area
Cultivation, yield: From a bush (approx. 8 years old) you harvest about 20 kg; Like all types of sea
buckthorn, 'Garden's Gift' can collect nitrogen in the root area and then make it available for the
roots, making it well suited
as a pioneer in poor soils.
Fruits: Very large, oval, dark orange, 12.5 x 10.5 mm in size, 0.6 – 0.7 g in weight, sweet and sour,
slightly aromatic, delicate skin; 'Garden's Poison 'In contrast to the German varieties, fruits do not
look so acidic
Ingredients: Berries contain vitamin C (1000 mg / 100 g), vitamins A and E, carotenoids,
flavonoids, fruit acids (1.1%); 5.7% oil; the oil content is thus significantly higher than for German
varieties such as 'Frugana' or 'Leikora' (3.4 – 4.5%)
Maturity: September
Processing: Jam, juice, syrup, oil, compote, smoothie
The sea buckthorn Garden's poison with Russian roots tastes freshly eaten much more pleasant
than its German relatives, because it tastes milder due to less acidity. It is packed with healthy
substances such as vitamins, secondary plant substances and valuable oils.
Garden's Gift is harvested in September and can be used for fresh consumption and further
processing in all kinds of food and drinks. It has fewer thorns than the German types of sea
buckthorn and a very high health potential!
Garden's Gift absolutely needs a pollinator! We recommend the sea buckthorn Pollmix2.

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