UPDATE‼️Trump Assassination Attempt~The FBI Crack Into 2 Of The Foreign Encrypted Apps But Won’t Tell The Public What They Found‼️

1 month ago

•Interviews conducted with the neighbors says everybody knew each other in the neighborhood, but nobody knew the Crooks family

• Crooks family hired powerhouse Criminal Lawyer, John Quinn and Matthew Logue, ranked in the top 50 In the US
- Their area of practice includes personal injury, wrongful death, and legal malpractice
- how do they have the money to hire lawyers like this?
- why do they have to hire defense lawyers if you had nothing to do with it?
- who recommended the dad hire these specific awyers?
— Did it have something to do with the fact that the
FBI allowed the premature cremation of the body?
• Why did top brass at the Secret Service T headquarters tell agents not to request extra manpower?
- this contradicts the SS Directors testimony that Trump wasn't denied additional resources.
• The FBI says they cracked 2 of the 3 foreign encrypted messaging apps, but won't detail what they found.
•They found 700+ messages found on Social media, but sources say it may not have been written by Crooks, but instead maybe his father

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