The charge – SIN. The verdict is in – GUILTY on all counts.

5 months ago

The Gospel message is quite simple. The Lord God, the Creator of the universe, the Holy God, is also the Supreme Judge of all. He has set a time in His court when His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ alone will judge everyone. We – all humanity –are the defendants. The charge against us is SIN. The verdict – GUILTY on all counts. But God in His mercy, provided His Son to die for us, to pay for our sins, so that when our case comes to court, those who believe in His Son for salvation, are set free. That is the only way we can go free. We can’t argue our case, we can’t do good works to make up for our sin, we can’t pay a lawyer to plead for us. The Lord Jesus Christ pleaded for us on the cross 2000 years ago. God the Father accepted His plea on our behalf. Those who believe this are set free now from the power of sin, and will be set free from God’s final wrath on a sinful world at the end of the age. Amen!

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