Former US Army Employee Pleads Guilty to Acting as Israeli Agent 12/30/2008

27 days ago

It took the FBI 23 years to charge this man and then when they did, they spared him any prison time and spared him the death penalty. The judge said this case was "shrouded in mystery." I think that's selective mystery.

I customized this background and description and added the captions that I proofread. I was researching the Pollard Israel spy case and came across this video reporting on ANOTHER Israeli spy working in our government military.

Reuters news, 5/29/2009:
U.S. man who gave secrets to Israel spared prison

An 85-year-old former civilian employee of the U.S. Army was fined but avoided prison time on Friday after earlier pleading guilty to giving classified documents to Israel in the 1980s in a case the sentencing judge said was "shrouded in mystery."

"Why it took the government 23 years to charge Mr. Kadish is shrouded in mystery," U.S. District Judge William Pauley said during the sentencing hearing in Manhattan federal court. "It is clear the (U.S.) government could have charged Mr. Kadish with far more serious crimes."

Kadish pleaded guilty in December to acting as an unregistered agent of Israel. He was arrested in April 2008 on four counts of conspiracy and espionage. The spying charge, dropped under a plea deal, had carried a possible death sentence.

Prosecutors had recommended no prison time as part of the plea deal. They said between 1980 and 1985 Kadish provided classified documents, including some relating to U.S. missile defense systems, to an Israeli agent, Yosef Yagur, who photographed the documents at Kadish's residence.

During the hearing, the judge questioned a prosecutor as to why it took so long to charge Kadish when the telephone records on which the case was based were available in the mid-1980s.

"There is no mystery behind it, it's just what happened," said prosecutor Iris Lan, who explained she understood it took the FBI that amount of time to assemble the evidence.

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