Episode 446: Black Cloak Brigade

6 months ago

Read the full post at: https://bit.ly/3yNcCoN

The third week of August in Chicago 2024 was the predictable collection of the Demonic Nocturnal Congregation (DNC) in fulfillment of that which was established through decades of gaslighting by the Black Cloak Brigade spawned prodigy1(must read footnote definition). This gathering is the expected result of 200 years of Unitarianism, Universalism and the Social Gospel. In short, the pinnacle of perfected humanism. The resulting assemblage inside mesmerized by the gaslighting (more on gaslighting further in) high priests and priestesses, while outside, the co-optate2 throngs of gargoyles spout the vitriol venom of invasive radicals and indoctrinated subversives.

Massive Influence
It is critical to understand that the massive influence of the present day Black Cloak Brigade is very much as that of the pastors in the founding era. Take this quote from The Life of Samuel Adams,
‘… so at the top of society were the ministers, men often of fine force, ability, and education. No other such career as the ministry afforded was open in those days to ambitious men. Year by year the best men of each Cambridge class went into the ministry, and the best of them were sifted out for the Boston pulpit. Jonathan May- hew, Andrew Eliot, Samuel Cooper, Charles Chauncey, Mather Byles, —all were characters of mark, true to the Puritan standards, generally, as regards faith, eloquent in their office, friends and advisers of the political leaders, themselves often political leaders, foremost in the public meetings, and active in private.
Together with the ministers, the merchants were a class of influence.’

One has to have a knowledge of what a real Puritan meant in the founding era. Especially as to root theology for developing personal and economic Liberty. The Sermon I include with this program is full of Puritan / Calvinistic theology that establishes how those elected or appointed are to govern, as servants of the King of all creation.

Unlike the Black Regiment (Black Robe Regiment), The Black Cloak Brigade is more than the Tory (British sympathizer) ideology and theology of the loyalist Colonial era. The emphasis of The Black Cloak Brigade is best found through the second definition for a cloke (cloak) in Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
Read the rest at: https://bit.ly/3yNcCoN

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