pRT 7.1

6 months ago

Part 7.1 (it wont upload both unusual, not! the camera cut out when it overheated after 39 minutes but part 7.2 was supposed to be uploaded with this but it didn't like il upload that now but we will likely ascend before that happens lol.
Its all a con people, you are eating a con, drinking a con, traveling around in a con, living a con and wanting more cons whilst you pay money to be coned even more…every day you travel to-&-fro between cons & eating poisons and drinking the elixir of death with every sip & in every beverage….you were absolutely fucked.
listen, that geezer who debunks flat earth (scifidan or something?) he looks like he lives near a Snooker Hall in Sheffield)…..i stared watching him yesterday, id seen a cpl of his vids but I went on his page yesterday……poor cunt he’s fucked in a minute m8 million% that incredulous look these people have, we all know that look, is the stage-set for a monumental & high-velocity descent, but its nothing to laugh about, people like this make up the majority of beings here…..its not just a matter of ‘oh well its scifidans tough shit’…..cos its not just his tough shit, theres 10 Billion of him…….what happens if you get more than 2 humans together? They start disagreeing and forming groups so that they are not a lone-discission-maker. Some kill themselves and some kill others, x 10…..x 100 x 10 Billion so what % of ‘scifidans’ i.e. people like him who will be so angry that they vent public rage? 5%...10%....30%......? more? How many people is 30% of 10 billion? I cant even do that on a calculator, but it’s a lot, its more than large cannabis grow packed full of people shoulder-to-shoulder, that’s all I know, but this means that you and your family are going to be in imminent threat of ‘nice’ people like him who have just had their world destroyed in a few seconds on the EBS, they will not be thinking clearly in fact they will not be thinking at all, they will be acting on terror, rage and fear, only, and bouncing between these emotions like a ‘Pin-Ball’ game. This is a big problem for everyone who is awake and also those still asleep…..thats why ‘we’ are here, in the ‘trenches’ on the front-line.
Scifidan’s trouble is the same as most, its not a theory he’s defending, he’s defending his own intellect, and unfortunately, he’s not great at it, but 11/10 for effort. The issue is, that people like dan are viewing things in an un-related & non-connected field of view, the shape of the earth, covid-19, Vaccines, politics, religion, war, famine & Lockdowns, are all interconnected and tightly woven together in a tapestry of deceit, these are not isolated conundrums that exist as separate entities, they are the essence of a 3rd density simulational environment….so walking about with a ‘Deerstalker’ on your head and a huge magnifying glass, muttering ‘interesting watson’ as you peruse the isles of discovery In your local ‘Tescoes’ store looking for evidence the earth a globe on a packet of Uncle Bens rice….’Here are look theres a drawing of a globe on this packet….proof the earth is round’.
People who are balls-deep in refuting all that’s going on at the moment, are in a whole lot of trouble in a minute, I personally know several people who I know for a fact will take their own lives over this, for being wrong I mean, just for that, just for being wrong they will commit suicide. My pal said a cpl years ago “what you guna do if this doesn’t happen?”….i said ‘what you mean?’….”well, you know, if all what your saying that your m8 Christian said….what if he’s off his nut and none of this happens…. what you guna do then?”….he said it with a wide-eyed look of dismay about him, I replied “bruv, this is happening so don’t worry about it and you could ‘know’ it yourself if you think about it, but, hypothetically speaking, if it wasn’t to happen, im always wrong anyway bruv so its just another day at the office init…” his blank stare lingered a few moments longer than necessary, ”yeah…. but…..”, he said – I left him processing the conversation with rapid left/right eye-movement searching for the relevant coded script of his programming. I had my pal on the flat earth tip a year ago, but he was ‘taken’ back to the globe theory, by old erroneous code.
People put so much importance on being right…..its the bane of my existence because I honestly couldn’t give a fuk, I just want the truth, I have nothing to defend in terms of viewpoint, or my honour……why what for? People are so full of imitation self-worth when there isn’t any in them, they downloaded their personality from the aetheric ‘super collective’ realm of mainstream consciousness, the options of what ‘cool’ means, & people all wear it like a fake Batman suit pre-endorsed by a person that made it in life by sacrificing children to Baal……. If we are lucky, theres 3 or 4 months left on society before the walls of our collective realities start to crumble & crack, you start to see Micky Mouse for who he really was, like when the lights come on at the end of a night-out, and all the beautiful people who you just spent the last 12 hours with several density’s above baseline reality, have stopped eating their bottom lip, & now look like part of a failed-human-trial at Huntingdon Life Sciences…..its amazing what you can do with advanced technology, such as an old bedsheet, a can of white paint & and UV lamp.
The human body is pretty amazing, it’s the ideal vehicle to manipulate your environment and augment your reality with, it heals itself when necessary, and its mostly waterproof – it’s got the most powerful supercomputer ever created, located in the top part of the human vessel, behind the eyes. This quantum supercomputer runs on millivolts of power created by a few nutrients & minerals, sunlight & water, it is, in short, quite remarkable. If you wanted to buy one of these computers, you wouldn’t be able to, you wouldn’t be able to afford it, no one could as there isn’t enough money in the universe to buy a computer this powerful, but you get give one for free to use whenever you want while you are here, its like a brand new hire car with built-in ‘Siri’, that you don’t need a credit card to book, you get it for about 80years these days, and they are disposable, they biodegrade nicely over a few years.
Problem is, you have this amazing bit of technology given to you for free, but you let someone else program it, you let someone else control the vehicle on your behalf, with data that you didn’t select yourself…. Why??....? ‘Because we have to’?? ‘Because we were told to’?? or ‘Because we want to’?
…….now this would normally be fine, because normally we are only ever with other beings who are more interested in our safety than they are their own……normally…..but we are not here ‘normally’…….there’s absolutely nothing ‘normal’ about any of this, and there is nothing ‘normal’ about those dishing-out the data, either. These guys had a separate agender that didn’t include those at grass-roots level joining them….’we’ were merely the stepping-stones for their success, as I said, we were disposable.
I have to put this here again, the Rothschild Secret Covenant……I keep posting it in various places because it is the ‘smoking gun’ because if you look at it, they completed ALL 70 points on it, quite a while ago……but its like people filter this out of their mind….look at it…..its already transpired, past tense. ‘They’ did it……past tense. For anyone who laughs at this document, ridicules it or tries to defend the Rothschilds & other bloodline families….shame on you, your own apathy and indifference makes you a traitor, and your sheer terror at the Sky event is well deserved.
The Rothschild
Secret Covenant
1. An illusion it will be, so large, so vast, it will escape their perception.
Yep, well done, that’s true.
2. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.
Yep, well done, you were spot-on
3. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.
Yep, well done, it worked really really well.
4. We will behave as if we are not connected, to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.
Yep, well done, this wasn’t your 1st Rodeo was it.
5. We will always stand above the relative field of their experience, for we know the secrets of the absolute.
Yep, well done, that ivory tower is miles high with no stairs.
6. We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks.
Yep, well done, it worked, tell someone your guna kill them if they speak, and if they believe you, they will stay silent.
7. We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak, while pretending to do the opposite.
“Thank You NHS”
8. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. A Secret Covenant The Secret Covenant – By a group you dare not name. 2 / 6
Yep, well done, it wasn’t hard to do that tho was it because you had ‘us’ helping you with ‘Professionals’ to voice paid-for-opinions.
9. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.
Yep, well done, amalgam fillings are still the preferred dental choice here in the UK for helping people get dementia & Alzheimer’s
10. They will be blanketed by poisons every where they turn.
Yep, well done, we certainly are as we just found out only a few years ago just how bad that reality is.
11. The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.
Im only on point ‘11’ and already I feel like throwing-the-towel-in….
12. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.
13. From all this their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.
14. The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breath, and wear.
15. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons, for they can see far.
16. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones.
17. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.
18. They will see our products used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effects.
19. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it’s for their help.
20. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.
21. When their teeth decay, we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steel their future.
22. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and create other diseases, for which we will create yet more medicine.
23. We will render them docile and weak before us with our power. A Secret Covenant The Secret Covenant – By a group you dare not name. 3 / 6
24. They will grow more depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.
25. We will focus their attention towards money and material goods so they may never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures, and games, so they may never be one with the oneness of it all.
26. Their minds will belong to us and they will do what we say. If they refuse, we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives.
27. We will use fear as our weapon.
28. We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides.
29. We will always hide our objective, but carry out our plan.
30. They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil.
31. Our families must never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure, always, for it is the way.
32. We will make them kill each other when it suits us.
33. We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.
34. We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how.
35. We will guide them kindly and gently, letting them think they are guiding themselves.
36. We will foment animosity among them, through our factions.
37. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best.
38. We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children.
39. We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend. A Secret Covenant The Secret Covenant – By a group you dare not name. 4 / 6
40. The hate will blind them totally, and never will they see that from their conflict, we emerge as their rulers. They will be busy killing each other.
41. They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit.
42. We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us.
43. We will continue to prosper from their wars and from their deaths.
44. We shall repeat this over and over, until our ultimate goal is accomplished.
45. We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sounds.
46. We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this.
47. The tools will be provided by their labour.
48. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbours.
49. We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know.
50. They must never know that a man’s colour is an illusion; they must always think they are not equal.
51. Drop by drop, drop by drop, we shall advance our goal.
52. We will take over their land, resources, and wealth, to exercise total control over them.
53. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have.
54. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.
55. When they shall band together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world, for we shall own all the media. A Secret Covenant The Secret Covenant – By a group you dare not name. 5 / 6
56. We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor.
57. When they shall rise up against us, we shall crush them like insects, for they are less than that.
58. They will be helpless to do anything, for they will have no weapons.
59. We will recruit some of them to help us carry out our plans. We will promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have, for they are not of us.
60. The recruits will be called “initiates” and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms. Members of these groups will think they are one with us, never knowing the truth. They must never learn this truth, for they will turn against us.
61. For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel to the stars.
62. They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to that realm of enlightenment. This they will never know.
63. The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will be unable to focus upon it until it is too late.
64. Oh yes, so grand will the illusion of freedom be, that they will never know they are our slaves.
65. When all is in place, the reality we have created for them will be their prison. They will live in self-delusion.
66. When our goal is accomplished, a new era of domination will begin.
67. Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs that we have established from time immemorial.
68. But if they ever find out they are our equals, we shall perish then. This they must never know. A Secret Covenant The Secret Covenant – By a group you dare not name. 6 / 6
69. If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action.
70. They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions shall have revealed who we are, and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
71. This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality shall transcend many generations and life spans.
72. This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We are the ones who from heaven to earth came.
73. This covenant must never, ever be known to exist. It must never, ever be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast into the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end of infinity itself.
Listen, I had to give up on point 11…….theres no point trying to explain the blatantly obvious…..waking people up in 2024 is similar to trying to teach a Palm-Civit how to play backgammon……fukin pointless on every level. That’s how it feels, not ‘sometimes’ but all the fukin time.
I have invented a cool gadget for the awake, its only available for men at the mo, it’s a tube that attaches to the mans phallus and takes the urine thru a small rubber tube, up externally beneath the undergarments, next to the spine, held in place by small plastic straps, to a shower-head attachment that clips onto a shirt collar/T-shirt, it saves standing in the wind to achieve our goals, im working on a womens version using a ‘Shewee’…..i plan on bringing out a high-sided plastic tray so we can use them in the lounge as well. They will sell well in cold countries because il supply a free fan to blow the piss over us while we sit there chatting, no need to stand outside in the cold to piss in the wind….Il use Elton Johns lyrics for my advert….”And it seems to me that you lived-you-life…..Piss-ing-in-the-wind…..”
Id like to offer a challenge – someone reading this will either have, or know someone who has cancer…….to cure any cancer (unless vaccine derived ‘turbo’ cancer) costs just £12.00p (Twelve Quid) per day, and with this I can guarantee a cancer free person in under a year - if I had 20 people with 20 random cancers, I could cure 10 in under 6 months and the rest in under 12. I had my 10th all clear 3 weeks ago, prostate cancer which is the easiest cancer to cure, and most convenient as the client does not need to get intoxicated by the cannabinoids as they are taken as a suppository and therefore unmetabolized by the liver and therefore do not enter the bloodstream, curing the client with zero side effects (if you see getting ‘high’ as a side effect?). BUT remember it will only work as a suppository IF the cancer is located in the rectum i.e. where the cannabinoids will go…DO NOT EXPECT CANNABIS EXTRACT SUPOSOTORYS TO CURE ANY CANCER THAT IS NOT LOCATED IN THE RECTUM……It will not cure cancers this way around…..all other cancers need an ingested oil/pills, topical balm/cream etc… just saying.
You HAVE to be a rebel to understand all this & be involved in it, im no one, im billy-no-body but I will do what I consider to be morally correct, no matter the consequences……to know how to cure any cancer, you cant sit back and watch kids die of chemotherapy, or cancer when you are aware how to rectify this with no side effects for hardly any cost, its WRONG to sit back and do nothing because “its illegal” so?.....who gives a fuck about that?? Suicide is also illegal….but that doesn’t stop people does it.
People are prevented from taking the obvious course of action because of rules & regulations….are you fukin high??? I spent 4 years flying about on Easy Jet and Ryan air with 5 years in jail in my hand luggage each flight, sometimes a cpl flights a month, iv spent 37 years growing weed in extreme locations such as next to a police station, or under a judge’s flat……why? …..Why not? I know the reality of cannabis and I know the reality of ‘They’……….so im not ‘in’ the matrix and im not sure I ever was? Maybe, but I had big questions early on in life and I had already worked out by age 7 that ET’s exist and they probably speak English and they probably know more about us than we know about ourselves, and that was by 1980, so I was on the right path… are the phases of the moon created by our planet being in between the sun and the moon when I can see them both at the same time and we are not in between them, clearly? Lots of examples like that, another example is giving birth….im pretty vocal about everything, this was no different, because my eyes tell me that a cow, for instance, I say a cow as I have seen several cows give birth when I was a kid… looks natural, it looks like its supposed to be happening, silent serene and majestic….but a human giving birth……how the fuk is that natural and “the most beautiful thing in the world”?? it’s the least natural thing I have ever seen in my fukin life, it’s a fukin shit-show and iv always said this, how is that beautiful and natural? Square peg, round hole….and the peg is 20 times larger than the fukin hole……humans giving birth does not look or sound natural whatsoever in any single way….and anyone saying otherwise is merely parroting a phrase they heard before, as it would ‘seem’ rude to say otherwise…….but reality is that it looks like someone did that as a joke…..and as it transpires, yes they did, and that’s why it looks like its not meant to be going down like that, creating life is not supposed to look like a barbaric execution, its this way by design, same as menstruating, that doesn’t happen in 5th Density. Menstruating was done on purpose to give exactly the feelings & inconveniences that it does, look at the jam-rag industry it’s a multi-billion $ scam where they can get more noxious substances like Graphene oxide right next to the delicate and blood vessel-rich areas of a lady’s private bits….causing cervical cancer & other issues ‘down there’.
Also in the 1980’s I realized that there was proof that Christopher Columbus was far from the 1st person to discover America, ‘Leaf Ericson’ the Viking went there 900 years before Columbus, my question back then was why are we still being taught stuff in school that we know is no longer correct or relevant? Why? It doesn’t matter that it was Great Tartary back then and the whole thing is a lie, but I didn’t know that in the 80’s, yet I did know that we were being taught mistruths and a false history.
If I wasn’t a rebel I wouldn’t know how to cure any cancer, if I wasn’t a rebel id be fully vaccinated like the other non-rebels…….if I wasn’t a rebel I wouldn’t know about fraudulent laws, acts, statutes & policies………lucky for quite a few people that I am a rebel….the puppet masters used our own desire to do the right thing, against us all and utilised each others programmed sentiment to segregate us and use that segregation to foster animosity & garner the support of other humans to ‘side’ & enforce these ‘Laws’ believing that it is the collectives best interests that they are serving, without realising that it was the actual opposite in reality, these ‘people’ have been the minions of Satan from the beginning, feeling above the rest with privileged information, like the shape of the earth, they think they ‘know’ what’s going on and no one else does, celebrated and lauded, smoke blown up their crap-holes they feel every bit as important as they expected to feel as they climbed the branches of the tree of success, and are very proud of it……a joy & pride short-lived. They are fucked now….and the ones that duno how fucked they are… the worlds police, well……this day is creeping closer and closer, and yesterday we got another step closer, Trumps ear got shot…..the ‘Shot that will be ‘heard’ around the world” Q said a few years ago, well that was it, that was the shot we have all been waiting for, and you ‘hear’ with your ears so, Police, this will likely be your last purchase of Beard-Oil from Amazon prime, and you still got half a Tub of ‘Whey Protean Powder’ so that should last……tell your Mrs that she doesn’t need any more lip fillers, or her nails getting done, they will only get chipped anyway while shes climbing brick walls trying to get away from her soul family……
We are defo going home before Christmas thank fuck for that! Phew…….
The party’s about to start hotting-up & the vindication we have all been looking forward to, is in reality a double edged sword, because yes we were right, but we knew that anyway…….its not a time for 'I told you so'…think of the lasting devastation that World War Two brought with it, several generations of people directly affected & damaged by one 4-year war… think about Mrs Smith from number 12, shes 93 years old and sharp as a button…..her whole life has been augmented by wars, several of them, and shes just about to find out that her dad, brother, uncles, son, were all killed for noting and her life was destroyed for a fake reason and that her granddaughter was tortured and sacrificed to Baal, and that the cotdeath daughter she had with her 1st husband wasn’t necessary and was a vaccine trial from the 40’s and her disabled sister was also disabled by design, and that her local priest had been killing children for the last 39 years, and in fact so had the whole Dioceses of the parishes of every religion, not just ‘Jesus-anity’ , jesus is a nice concept, but that nice concept is based on YOU back home in 5th density….’Jesus’ is mocking you in a highly overt way by showing you a single figure in human history, who was/is the son of ‘God’ the creator, when in fact you yourself are this character with these abilities and also this outlook….before the occupation 6,014 years ago when they downsized us all, reducing brain capacity, speed, height, intelligence….to recap, again…..this was the reality of the Palaeolithic period, Homo Heidlebergensis, h.Erectus, h.Habilis, Ergusta, Antescessor, Erectus etc etc, were just test phases and prototypes of the new humans they wanted to create to make the best adrenochrome whilst being able to communicate without the use of their telepathy so they can form social bonds iniciate & grow a culture & with the right amount of progress over a specific period of time…i.e. they are able to farm, but they cant teach anyone else to do it (as an example)…..some of the above were too stupid, some too intelligent, ‘Neanderthal’ had a larger brain capacity than we have, making them by default of greater intelligence than ‘us’ - its well documented, yet it’s a paradox if we believe mainstream science that we now know were all penned and ‘re-corded’ Recorded = Re-corded, or re-written, again in plain sight by our wording- all Freemasons with the same agender to betray their own species for what they falsely believe is a better life for themselves and their families……..constantly wanting, needing and enjoying the level-ups that the craft of Freemasonry offers those keenest with the aim of joining the Mars breakaway civilisation…… that is NOTHING like the SSP whistleblowers proclaim…..but, as we all now know, nothing ever is, as ALL ‘whistleblowers’, bar-very-few are making shit up. All the main ones are 33rd degree masons & the 33rd step involves killing a child……like a human one….. and once you have done that you were doomed, Source Creation wont be having that……just as when you get home to 5th density you will have all the missing memories from the entire event, or your personal time here involved in ‘it’, and its guna be pretty shocking for….….Errr…..everyone except maybe a handful of people who found their way to C21’s information and it struck a chord with them, basically.
After you have tortured a child on camera, raped and killed it, they have complete control over you forevermore, or you do somthing demonic….. such as…’invent a way of poisoning us that is or involves an ‘inventive step’ in our suffering and torture for as long as we don’t all find out at the same time, as we (almost) have….they can and did have many re-sets/wars over their ‘crop’ = ‘Us’…or really bad viruses and genetically inventive in their destruction, like Ebola, or whatever involves a far extended suffering period before death, for ‘us’……then these scientists mostly & Buzz Aldrin characters/Admiral Byrd type-characters, geneticists and wotnot, get the ‘Golden Ticket’ to the Mars break-away civilisation, and that’s why they go to Antarctica…..its the closest portal to Mars which is the realm ‘next door’ to Earth, laid out on the flat plain known as ‘Gateway-10’ #Christian21 which they themselves believe to be a spinning sphere ib space that is not traversable via the current human technology, they may assume they are on a sphere or a disc, but they do not know that they are in actual fact just ’over-there’ both discs on the same flat plain, and they will not know about any other discs, realms, worlds on that very same plain, either…..they think its all ‘Out-There’ in space separated by vast distance, but vast distance don’t exist where we are ALL come from…….well it does, but not like we thought, and not even in the same capacity that we assumed a ‘universe’ even was, and people need to understand that (and they are not going to whatsoever, but it is what it is) whats about to transpire is literally unpredictable, but it is predicted’ in many cultures from each of the previous 6 resets before us equalling 6,014 years, which we coincidentally understand of as the Cradle Of Civiliseation’ in Mesopotamia – so our re-inception/ ‘Exposition’ meaning literally the “Resetting of the Narrative” which is exactly what the Expositions of the late 19th century, were, taken down, destroyed, being’ re-narrated’ as as “Temporary Structures’ built merely a few years preciously out of stucco plaster, wood and cement….and then we are taught in school from age 4 that “History is recorded by the victors…”…..Yes it is, and quintessentially, that sums it up….we are fed shit on a brass spoon & told its nourishing real & ‘whole’ cuisine, ‘En Vouge’, told that ‘Honourable’ men fought and died in family linages were forged to procure our safety now in these times hundreds of years later in some cases….as it would make sense…..thats why we are lead to believe that , because it is the opposite of reality that we all experience, and in theory only, it does make sense and we can ‘see’ it.
……even for the freemasons, they die and another random soul enters that family line/genetic vessel linage, so their forefathers are not their own either. They gaze at the oil paintings on the galleried stairwell, of all the ancestors from the respective eras of the line…….these are random souls inhabiting a random vessel that happens to be on you galleried stairwell…..these people have no connection to you in reality. Unless you’re a hosted Draco family line then you get to be reborn when you want and what ever vessel you desire, but that’s the only exception.
The use of decadent lingo that portrays us as we are not, people can talk like that, any cunt can, I can but, and this is only my hypothesis on swearing, personally, is im fine with it and its cool, because even that backs up Christians info because ‘back-home’ i.e. 5th density we only ever use telepathy… it makes total sence that being able to have an instant conversation as quickly as possible, is the preferred way… what I mean is I can have a conversation with my pals, and use about 50 words….but these 50 words would if you said the same thing in decadent lingo, take up about 12 pages of text…..thats why we swear, its far easier, less cumbersome and a lot less time consuming to talk to someone.
Sorry I digressed, I was taking about Mrs Smith from #12….she will also find out that she has dementia because of her metal fillings in her mouth and the chemtrailing that she was told was just natural contrails……she will reach for the crucifix around her neck that her Great Grandmother bequeathed to her, as she feels the feet of the crucifix reassuringly, she utters ‘Dear Lord….’ and as she murmurs these words, she finds out that he never existed in the capacity that she was indoctrinated in, and that this persona was actually a high level satanist himself, shel then find out that the education system, the health system, the monetary system,her own own immune system, every-fukin-system is fraudulent, downgraded, fake, or just simple lies……the only thing Mrs Smith from #12 will probably resonate with, is the shape of the earth, as in her day that would have been a lot more popular than it was this last few years.
over 99% of people, and that’s a real statistic, something over 99% of the population are aware ‘something’ is going on, just not what, who, when, where, or why its going on - only a handful of people know and understand the reality of who we are and where we are going, its too much a leap of understanding for the majority to get this & process it properly, and for those who haven’t, well, they have been listening to the mainstream ’professionals’ for the last 80+ years……this isn’t a good thing whatsoever as the façade is going to be ripped-away from their vision, they didn’t want a heads-up 4years ago, so now they have the full-shabang with no time left for more pre-apocalyptic teasers. They will go from making some ASDA pre-cooked BBQ food that makes them feel like chefs because its all pre-made, all you need do is heat-&-eat, & after 4 glases of Chardonay & 3 cheeky straighteners you feel like Gordon fukin Ramsey, master of the 'Barby' & ‘Lord of the Fing’s’ like Golem coveting his magic ring you fiddle with your precious knowledge tyring to make it fit any finger on the hand of your paradigm, rather than find the right paradigm itself. Losing a paradigm can be painful, a paradigm that is more seemingly fake than your wife’s tits and the glazed eyes of the AstraZeneca stare the mother-in-law has as she nods in defense of her offspring's desire to give the grandchildren the MMR shot, because it’s the Science we should all be trusting, not our own blatant instincts……
Here is an example of the nonsense that’s kept us chasing our tails, from Wikipedia:
Homo (from Latin homō 'human') is a genus of great ape that emerged from the genus Australopithecus and encompasses the extant species Homo sapiens (modern humans) and a number of extinct species (collectively called archaic humans) classified as either ancestral or closely related to modern humans. These include Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis. The oldest member of the genus is Homo habilis, with records of just over 2 million years ago.[a] Homo, together with the genus Paranthropus, is probably most closely related to the species Australopithecus africanus within Australopithecus.[4] The closest living relatives of Homo are of the genus Pan (which includes chimpanzees and bonobos), with the ancestors of Pan and Homo estimated to have diverged around 5.7-11 million years ago during the Late Miocene.[5]
If you type in ‘Homo’ to Wikipedia, you don’t just get this text above, it subdivides and subdivides on and on and on getting more and more complex as it goes, with various arguments over the years with various ‘great’ names chipping in their opinion to the mix also. What you are left with is a bewildering spaghetti bowl full of loose-ends that tie to nothing but fantasy & drunken guesswork.
By doing this type of thing, they can guarantee that we will never find the truth as it would take way too long to disprove all this without holding the Jigsaw box lid in your left hand as you piece the past together in concise order knowing beforehand what actually transpired and knowing exactly who ‘we’ are and where we all came from.
Homo is Latin for Human…..latin was the 1st language ever spoken in the universe, Latin stems from the 1st evolutionary phase of the universe when evolution did actually happen. The latin language is actually Billions and billions of years old and this is the reason the Demons speak Latin when in human form….because it is their original language, its also why the medical system, and also the Law system uses latin.
All that bullshit about Habilis being 2 million years old but…. this-that-this-that-wotnot wotnot and all of a sudden you have yourself 6 years of exams and curriculum data and you gota write 5,000 word essays that your career depends on… best you fuck-off and get researching ASAP because if you don’t pass…..look how many people you will be letting down…..apart from yourself, all the men in your vessel family went to Harvard Uni……YOU NEED TO DO THE SAME or you failed, and we may cut your inheritance out for being such a failure and letting your forefathers down like a lead balloon.
The unspoken pressures on children and young adults is phenomenal, their desire mechanism has been reprogramed by social expectations in this grey paradigm of filth and injustice, they know not what they need, or want, as they have no way of knowing this…..they are told what they need and want, and they need to want it, it needs to become them before they even know who they are they are, fulfilling someone elses desires, wants & needs and never finding happiness because they were told what this might feel like and it involves getting surgery on your already perfect body and injections in your already beautiful face……it’s a thought algorithm, that’s all…..subliminal advertising shoe-horned thru by a famous celeb or 3 and you have a population of 11yr olds who want fake tits and a face full of margarine yet they duno why? Everyone else is….isnt that a good enough reason?
Fighting over the carcasses of our own aspirations, we act, speak, treat and view others as we are ordained to by the societal programming we endure from birth – theres hardly any escape unless you move to live with one of the world's indigenous tribes, letting go of any 3rd density mind-sets in your adolescent formative years, and you needed to be doing that in the 1970’s-80’s ideally.
Those ultra awake among us now knew something wasn’t right all our lifes….like I said many times, I was 4 when things started to not make sense for me, and I can still recall those same things that didn’t/don’t make sense – they never made sense until christian21 came along, now it all makes total sense. That’s how you know its real.
Everyone who is saying Christian stole his info…..dont be fukin silly……don’t be so fukin silly…..where the fuk from? 99% of Everything hes said has never been heard before, and I have heard people use Christians info, and were unable to explain it properly, gene decode is one I heard talking about 2nd earth being the reason we have seen more that one sun in the sky…..see what I mean? Its Christians info because more that 97% of it is actually Christians own info, and to say otherwise is ignorance, only, don’t forget he started talking to people like Icke and Maxwell, Stone etc etc 13 years ago and they are the reason you heard Christians info before, because Christian told these people years ago, and they took it and fukt-it-up explaining it all wrong ‘n that.
anyone who has read anything of what I have written, for Christian, or otherwise, will only find me to be transparent and honest since the mid-1990’s, I have a cpl trollers who declare that I profit and im a scammer (!) I have offered anyone a zoom call/watsap video call with one or many people if you want me to prove anything I can and will, you can see my accounts, iv got nothing to hide and no reason whatsoever to lie, about anything, and I haven’t. I helped countless people with countless commonlaw issues…..altogether including the previous 3 years I helped over 60 people before I met Christian so all in…..maybe 200+ people?+ the website….its all free trollers and the hours on a call for free advice to cure any ‘terminal’ cancer….my time is all free but you couldn’t troll me saying “look everyone, leons helping people again for free, the wanker….’ Lol lol….dosnt sound as good does it. I tell you what …..go get me an oncologist from your family, or local hospital….no, go get a senior oncologist from a prestigious University hospital…, go get me the worlds leading authority on cancer, who works for the most prestigious what-ever-the-fuk modern-med shit-hole hospital…….put me on a zoom call with 50 of the worlds top cancer specialists, and I will unbolt them all simultaneously, like a worn out Meccano set, and I know this to be true as it happens every single time I meet one, less than 60 seconds and they have a face in repose, because they are way out their depth & looking for arm-bands or a rubber ring, its really humiliating, so they have to make an excuse and fuk-off “opps, meeting, gota dash”, yeah go to the toilet and lament at your wasted med school money that you are still paying off 20 years later….the medschool funding you borrowed that was your own money in the 1st place. I have said it before and I will say it AGAIN….i can cure your cancer, or your childs cancer with a phone call…… less than 2 hours I can explain exactly what to do to cure any cancer…..(except vaccine derived ‘turbo cancer’) In lesss than 12 months and likely less than 6 months. Im not saying this because I am a lier, im not saying this because I am a scammer, im saying this because it is a fact. To put a price on the cure for cancer in 2024, a permanent cure, it will cost, at the most, less than a thousand pounds GBP or approx. £12 per day. anyone can be cancer free…..theres several ways to make that happen, all of which are diet based, and natural - but the programming dictates that people will listen to a ‘Lab coat’, and opt for chemo anyway, just In case, to hedge their bets – you DON’T NEED CHEMO….you don’t poison a whole lake to kill just one fish….but with our health, because we have become reliant on others to ‘think’ on our behalf and make decisions for us, we let people who are utterly fucking clueless take the lead on our health, and by now it should be rather obvious that science agrees with the opinions of those funding the ‘Science’ in question.
Lets have a FaceBook study/chalange…..?? give me 20 people with twenty different cancers and I will cure each of them the same way, and il cure 10 of them in less than 6 months, and all of them within a year…..if they listen to what I say, I don’t even need to see them in person. There is at least one good thing about Chemotherapy & the NHS….it makes me look like a shape-shifting space nigger from the fukin future, especially when I could take a children’s cancer hospice….the entire building full of children who are about to pass away, and have them abseiling down cliffs & jumping out of aeroplanes within a year………wake up people for fuk sake…….no child needs to be in hospital on chemo all poorly ‘n that….fukin barbaric, making families beg and pray for chemo ‘acceptance’…they are mugging you off big time because all they want is for you to ‘want’ chemo, job done, and your Cester que vie bond pays for the rest, and your life is shortened at the same time….its a win-win for ‘They’, and don’t forget that all of the senior NHS management are 33 degree masons who kill kids, so what the fuk do they care if you die pointlessly? They don’t give a shit, they want you dead, its better for them because when you die, your cester que vie bond all $2 Billion+ of it, goes back to the government as unclaimed, because you were already declared “Died lost at sea” age 15yrs 9 months of age, so ‘Legally’ you cant bequeath it to anyone. Over the age of 14 you are worth more to them dead, than you are alive, because your cester que vie bond has a million times more funds than you could ever earn in a lifetime or 10 lifetimes- You are only valuable to them when you are ‘ripe’ which is between the age of birth-to-14yrs old, ideally, or of less use for your sweat-equity working and grazing in the field like an adorable fluffy-little lamb, all harmless and trusting ‘n that, eager to enjoy life skipping & frolicking about in toxins and poisons because you cant fathom how or why a human could ever conceive of harming a child, let alone for fame and fortune, so it goes under the radar unnoticed, even tho its on the tip of your nose all day every day…like the Tiger in the distance V’s a Spider on your nose.
Free will… chose not to see it, which makes it all the more easier for them to keep your attention away from the topic in question because its too absurd to give ‘eye-time’ to especially seeing as your nans just had a stroke, you mums got an op on Tuesday, your sisters been burgled, the kids have chicken pox, & your husbands working on a new project…..working away building a new family ‘up north’ with his secretary who is 20 in 3 weeks.
for the people who knew something was ‘up’ but couldn’t put their finger on it…….you were right, well done xxx

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