FLAMING Irony Detected! Riot Enabler Tim Walz Begs Firefighters Union For Support

4 months ago

Posted • August 28, 2024: The Kamala Harris and Tim Walz election strategy continues to be pretend to be completely different people and hope nobody's been paying attention for the last few years. Considering what happened in Minnesota in 2020, which Gov. Walz allowed to occur in the name of "social justice" while VP Kamala Harris promoted a bail fund to spring violent rioters and arsonists, the Democrat nominee's running mate set the irony meter on fire today: This is a sick joke. This man let the police precinct burn down in Minneapolis. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GWE336PXUAAmZ9v?format=jpg&name=large

That's rich… really rich. Gov. Tim Walz Addresses Firefighters Union In Boston. “When Vice President Harris and I win the selection, we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time.” Walz certainly has done his part to give firefighters jobs security. Tim Walz, a committed arsonist, is speaking before a firefighter’s union in Boston right now. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GWE4D7OWcAArxrC?format=jpg&name=small -- Harris and Walz now pretending to be "law and order" candidates is as laughable as, well, everything else they say. None of them have any shame at all. They will say and do anything to get into our house, to take everything in it, and then to burn it down. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - FLAMING Irony Detected! Riot Enabler Tim Walz Begs Firefighters Union for Support

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