Giving Toxic Relationships The Boot: A Stoic Approach

6 months ago

Sanctuary explores how Stoic philosophy can guide individuals in breaking free from toxic friendships. Using a video format, we will outline key Stoic principles such as focusing on virtue, emotional detachment, and self-reflection, and applies them to the process of ending harmful relationships, emphasizing how this approach can lead to significant personal growth and the cultivation of healthier connections.


Aurelius, M. (2002). Meditations. (G. Hays, Trans.). Modern Library.
Epictetus. (2014). Discourses, Fragments, Handbook. (R. Hard, Trans.). Oxford University Press.
Levine, I. S. (2009). Best Friends Forever: Surviving a Breakup with Your Best Friend. Overlook Press.
Seneca. (2015). Letters from a Stoic. (R. Campbell, Trans.). Penguin Classics.
Seneca. (2010). On Anger. (R. A. Kaster, Trans.). University of Chicago Press.

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