6 months ago


The Texas State Board of Education is trying to adopt a new curriculum (HB 1605) that replaces secular humanism with the Christian values upon which our nation was founded. This is great news!
This curriculum is distributed beyond the state of Texas, so its impact extends beyond the state's borders. If you want to see a return to biblically-centered curriculum like that which HB 1605 proposes, let them know.

Those opposed to this change in curriculum are making lots of noise. We need to be louder. Let them know you support this by emailing: with this message: Please adopt HB 1605 Curriculum without any amendments.

They must hear from you TODAY, Wednesday, Aug. 28. So email them now!
Yes, I want to email the TX Board of Ed!
Thank you for making your voices heard! It is when we can pivot and share our opinions that we can help create change.
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