The CCP plans to announce a CCP-US joint governance of the world in 2025

5 months ago

2/4/2021 【郭文贵谈2025后中共欲与美国共同治理世界】中共计划在2025年宣布中美共同治理世界,2035年中共成为世界的“老大”,2049年则要让美国彻底出局。如果美国不接受这一现实,就必须在未来四年内迅速采取行动灭共,以稳定经济,并防止病毒演变成种族灭绝的武器
#郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #中共不等于中国人 #消灭中共 #中美关系 #2024美国大选
2/4/2021 [Miles Guo on the CCP’s ambition to co-govern the world with the U.S. after 2025 ] The CCP plans to announce a CCP-US joint governance of the world in 2025, with the CCP becoming the world's "top power" by 2035 and aiming to push the U.S. out of the picture completely by 2049. If the U.S. does not want to accept this reality, it must act swiftly to eliminate the CCP within the next four years to stabilize its economy and prevent the virus from evolving into a weapon of genocide.
#MilesGuo #NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #TakedowntheCCP #CCP #ChinaUSRelations #2024USPresidentialElection

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