August 25, 2024 Current Events Update

1 month ago

(1) Israel at War 8/25/24 With major fighting going on in Gaza and the Lebanon border to the north of Israel, talk of a "ceasefire" continues with nothing but ESCALATION in site.

(2) We discuss the PROGRAMMING by mainstream (CIA, Deep State controlled media) as we compare the 1989 Alaska Exxon Valdez oil spill coverage to this week's coverage of numerous spills (Venezuela and the Red Sea coast of Yemen) several times larger than that of the Alaskan Valdez spill and why today's coverage is nearly non-existent when the 1989 spill was posed as apocalyptic.

(3) The state of Ohio's baby=murdering agenda.

(4) The slap in the face to Sodom as Jarren Duran is suspended for calling a heckler a "f*ggot" only to see his jersey skyrocket to the #1 best seller in the Major Leagues.

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