X22 Report-3435-Countries Use Blockchain For Cross-Boarder Payments-KH Copycat Policies-Ad Free!

4 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3435a - Countries Realize Blockchain Can Be Used For Cross-Boarder Payments, It Has Begun

The [WEF] is now showing everyone what they want our future to be, we will not leave the cities, will share cars, our main transportation will be bicycles, it will get worse. The [DS]/[CB] are now showing everyone who they are. Countries are seeing that the blockchain is the way to transact business across the border.

Ep. 3435b - [KH] Trapped In Her Copycat Policies,Infighting Begins,Did Trump Send A Warning To [KH]?

The [DS] are now fighting amongst each other. [KH] is trapped in the copycat policies. They would rather her not debate Trump, Trump has now worked out the terms of the debate. Trump sends a warning that when Biden debated him it didn't work out well, he was replaced. Will this happen to [KH]?

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