Rudy Giuliani Reveals the Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Removed 3 Hours

25 days ago

Rudy Giuliani Reveals the Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Removed 3 Hours of Video Evidence When They were Stealing the 2020 Election —— The Lawyer Representing Ruby Freeman was Hunter Biden’s Classmate

• Rudy says he has 12 hours of tape from Atlanta, Georgia — four different perspectives of thousand of votes being stolen

• Before going to trial, he noticed out of the 12 hours of video evidence, 3 hours were “missing”.
—— Rudy discovered Brad Raffensperger re-engineered the video footage to make it look it was continuous footage.
—— Rudy Giuliani proved it and had the witnesses ready to testify… but the crooked judge refused to allow the full tape into evidence.


• Multiple counting of ballots
• People being thrown out so they couldn’t see what was happening.

• Biden ‘received’ 200,000 votes at one period, and Trump only got 80, which is impossible.

• The absentee ballots were straight, no folds or creases whatsoever on countless ballots.
—— Out of the absentee ballots, there were 375,000 ‘missing’ envelopes.

• Interestingly enough, the lawyer representing Ruby Freeman and her daughter Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, was the classmate of none other than Hunter Biden.
—— they then picked a bloodthirsty judge named Beryl Howell in Washington, instead of Georgia.
—— Beryl found Rudy guilty because he couldn’t make discovery. Rudy couldn’t make discovery because the FBI had seized most of his material.

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