Pariah White Martyr

6 months ago

Here is a song we wrote called "Pariah White Martyr", which is about how people that claim to be on your side treat you like a pariah for just being honest about things they are not comfortable being honest about. Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!

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Are you hated denigrated jaded and calumniated?
Did they kick you out for speaking truth?
Did it make it worse to give them proof?

Pariah white martyr no one said it would be fun.
Pariah white martyr get back up you've got God's race to run.
So don't clamor for glamour.
There's no need for greed.
Your reward is in the next life if you stay this steed.
The cross in this life earns you that eternity.
So don't despair just cast your cares upon He who created thee.
Pariah white martyr,

Do they call your truth a lack of charity?
And say that it means you're not polite company?
Do they gaslight you and try to tell you truth itself is crazy?
Don't give up now wayfarer soon this finite life will end.
How to merit for the next life is the thought to tend.
Now let me ask you this my Christian friend.

So how long must you keep up the fight before the life sublime?
I promise it's at most until the end of time.
To human eyes it seems a nearly endless climb.
But end it will so make it end sublime.
Pariah white martyr.

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