Hillsborough County's finest, almost wrecked getting off 75.

6 months ago

5:59 8-28-24 on 75 southbound exit 93A. These cops always riding with their red and blue lights on for no reason.... That never happened until they got LED lights with module systems to be able to have several different modes. Sometimes you see them in parking lots with the lights on which is understandable for a person looking for help, but not driving down the road not flashing..... if there's an emergency they should be flashing. If you noticed, when they get off the interstate, the lights go off at the end of the video... They will try and justify it somehow and say they were on an emergency call... If so why weren't the flashing lights on? Why did they go off as soon as that bitch got off the interstate? I time stamped in the beginning of paragraph so Hillsborough County can question their employee, but they won't.....

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