Matt Hoh: Will Israel Soon Stand Alone?

4 months ago

Matt Hoh: Will Israel Soon Stand Alone?
It seems like there is a similar mentality in Israeli pro-war leaders after Oct. 7 and in U.S. pro-war leaders after the fall of the Soviet Union and, of course, after 9/11. 'Oh, boy! Now we can get all the wars we've ever wanted!'

It's interesting that, in the U.S. pro-war leaders' manifesto, "The Project For A New American Century," they said that, to accomplish all their wars, they would need to end "the Vietnam syndrome" - that is, Americans' hatred of war - and that, to accomplish that end, they would need "a new Pearl Harbor."

I think that we're not just dealing with propaganda, in both cases, but with leaders creating the conditions in which their propaganda can thrive. We've gone so far down this perilous road that it's difficult to imagine how to avoid its inevitable catastrophic end. Encouraging people to think, to research, to seek the truth and to engage in dialog is an invaluable first step. I applaud you and your guests, Judge, for doing just that.

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