How Trump Will Take on Big Pharma – Whistleblower Wednesday | The Rob Maness Show EP 396

6 months ago

Americans are tired of hearing about and more importantly, experiencing the effects big pharma has on our lives. We see our children’s lives drastically changed by conditions such as autism and obesity rates through the roof. Our common sense and the facts tell us Big Pharma’s role in the “autism explosion” that has occurred in children since vaccines were heavily pushed onto the public is likely a cause. Rates of cancer have exploded following the COVID-19 mass vaccination programs, with doctors and scientists all over the world now sounding the alarm. U.S. Gov. data confirms a 143,233% increase in Deadly Cancer cases due to COVID Vaccination. We are all asking the same questions about the food we eat, the medicines we’re taking, and the vaccines pushed on our children President Trump is asking. We’re discussing this today with my guest President of the Richardson Nutritional Center and Chief Visionary Officer of Operation World Without Cancer, John Richardson.

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