Missouri Evil

6 months ago

A vote on Amendment 3 is scheduled to be on the Missouri ballot on November 5th. It is pure evil. It throws out Missouri's abortion laws passed by the legislature and signed by the governor that disallows all abortions except for the LIFE of ther mother. It says no legislation can be passed by the elected legislators that in any way limits "reproductive rights." They say that covers ther evil transgender fake process that drugs and mutilaters children. The people pushing this are pure EVIL. It's all about the money. The child killing industry is a major contributor to Democrats. Democrats don't like it when abortions aren't happening, it takes away from their donations. And now they see dollar signs in the EVIL transgender movement. This law would take away rights from parents. If a child tells his teacher in a government school that they think they are thre opposite sex, these evil people will push giving the child drugs and to be mutilated. It's IMPOSSIBLE to change one's sex and a mental problem to want to do so. The evil "doctors" and counselors tell parents that their child will commit suicide if they aren't drugged and mutilated. A TOTAL lie, If the child has mental problems , they can get help. It's not possible to overstate how EVIL this movement is.
Amendment 3 in Missouri also disallows the Missouri legislature from making laws that put forth requirements for places that perform this evil. The evil left wants to make sure it won't be possible to stop their evil in indirect ways.
Similar amendments passed in red Kansas and Ohio. People who don't normally vote came out of the woodwork to make sure their precious sexual freedom would not be impaired. It will be an uphill battle to stop this evil. Soros ande other evil entities will pour tens of millions into lying commercials. Constant prayer is needed, but also action. The churches must speak out against this evil. And we the citizenry must speak out as well. We literally have to stop the bleeding. Our society is crumbling right before our eyes, good Americans have to stand up against this madness.

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