Lee Milteer Interviews Joe Simonds: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet to Achieving Happiness

3 months ago

Links for milteer.com;
Website: hLps://milteer.com/
Five Types of Energy: hLps://milteer.com/five-types-of-energy/
Alchemists Inner Circle: hLps://milteer.com/alchemists-inner-circle/
Video descrip?on:
The Blonde Warrior of Solu?ons Lee Milteer talks with author Joe Simonds, who asks, “Are you
happy? I mean really happy and fulfilled? Are you waking up with a purpose, with a mission,
and with tons of energy? Are you exactly where you imagined your life would be? If not, it's ok.
You aren't alone. In fact, I wasn’t happy. I didn’t feel fulfilled in life, and I was beginning to
ques?on my purpose here on Earth. I had married the girl of my dreams, we had a nice home,
nice jobs, had a beau?ful baby girl, yet I s?ll didn't feel really fulfilled in life. I kept wondering if
something wrong with me or if everyone else had similar ques?ons about the meaning of life,
love, God, money, and our pursuit of happiness...So five years ago I decided to start reading at
least one self-help, personal development, or business book per week. I also started taking
online self-help courses and began surrounding myself with the most inspiring and successful
people I could in order to find out what truly makes people happy. Would you like to know what
I learned from reading hundreds of books and spending well over $100k on books, online
courses, podcasts, and speaking with thought leaders in private mastermind groups over the
last 5 years?"

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