#Nigel Watson tells us about his book UFO Investigation Manual and UFOs of WWI

5 months ago

Featured on my show today, "The Strange Reality with Dave Emmons," the guest is Nigel Watson from the UK. The show was recorded on 8-27-24. Nigel tells us about his book "UFOs of the First World War." Nigel says from 1890 to the present day, there has been fear from the people in the UK of aircraft attacking them. They would see strange lights and unusual shapes of craft that resembled Durigibles the Germans used. He tells us of abductions in the 1890s and people being visited by alien craft. Nigel says in his book "UFO Investigations Manual: from 1892 to the Present Day" that ET events that he documented, like Barney and Betty Hill, Roswell 1947, and Travis Walton's story of abductions. Nigel actually describes ET events before the popular Roswell 1947 event.
Nigel Watson is a researcher and investigator of historical and contemporary reports. He is also an author and columnist for Fortean Times Magazine, Magonia, All About Space, Outer Limits Magazine, Fate, and Flying Saucer Review. His book, "Captured by Aliens," is out now. Nigel's new book, Alien Encounters Revisited, will be out next year. You can find his articles and works on Google and his books on Amazon. Nigel's Facebook pages are https://www.facebook.com/UFOinvestigationsManual

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